

求道者: 薩古魯,我要如何超越行動或業力瑜伽?就我個人而言,我沒有做任何事的動力,我感覺自己正進入一種不作為狀態。

SEEKER: Sadhguru,how do I go beyond action or karma yoga? Personally, I have no urge to do anything. I feel like drifting towards a stage of non-doing.



SADHGURU: When a person has made ultimate reality the goal in his life,action becomes meaningless. Once action is meaningless, any kind of self-image is of no great significance;but right now,in the stage you are in, there is still a need for action. You have not yet reached a point where you have transcended action. You are unable to be without action. So perform the kind of action you thik is best right now and do what is needed for the situation. For my people,or my disciples, when I am around, I am not thinking in terms of devising a little better karma for them. This idea of better karma is only when the Guru is either a dud or dead. Do you understand? Better karma can only mean your Guru is either a total dud who is useless and a fake,or he’s dead and gone.    



SEEKER: You are the brightest, the most sharp-witted and the most genuine person I have ever met, Sadhguru.


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Whatever kind of memory the mind carries, I see a lot of people in the world are pretty low GB in their mind, but their bodies are phenomenal GB. Your body still remembers just about anything. Your great, great, great-grandmother’s nose is sitting on your face right now. Your body has not forgotten. I’m sure your mind has no clue who your great, great, great whatever was. How your forefathers looked a million years ago, your body still remembers. Your mind doesn’t.



In terms of carrying and transmitting qualities from generation to generation, across thousands of generations, body is a far more significant thing than your mind. You can think one way today, think another way tomorrow. Let me see if you can look one way today, look another way tomorrow – let me see. That will need serious sadhana, to change even a small physical feature.



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Sadhguru: So many things are being said about attachment being bad and how we should not get attached to anything. Because of these teachings and misunderstandings, and because of the pain that people go through with attachment, there are a lot of questions and hesitation within people.



These teachings of detachment and being desire-less have come because of the fear of entanglement. Entanglement always creates pain and suffering within a person. So, somebody gave this foolish solution – be detached. This means that according to them, the solution for life is to avoid life. If someone want to avoid life, they must die; it is very simple. But being alive here and wanting to die – and not dying, is a big torture.



If you want to live, you need involvement. People think spirituality means you should drop your family. By dropping someone, you will not become spiritual. You may not be fully aware of it, but in so many ways your defense mechanisms and survival techniques are slowly trying to shift your attachment to your ideologies, philosophies, likes, dislikes, and your emotions, which then grow to things around you. This is the real accumulation, the biggest attachment – your personality. And this is what you need to throw; not your wife, child, bank balance or something else.


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要有很多生活經驗才能了解到”很多我們以為非常好的事其實並非好事”。當克里須那(印度三大神之一)被問到,”真相的本質是什麼?”,他回答,”那些很像毒藥的是甘露,而那些如甘露般美味、令人沉醉的,才是毒藥。” 需要很多生活經驗才能了知這個真相,而很少人能不經歷許多痛苦就有這樣的領悟,更甚者,當他們領悟到時已經太晚以至於沒有任何意義了。所以你越加速你的生活經驗越好,因為你會更早意識到那些曾經以為很棒的事並沒有那麼棒。你有過這樣的經驗嗎?當你16歲或30歲時認為很棒的事,實際上沒那麼棒,假如你不讓這樣的經驗發生在30歲,它將會在你60歲時發生,這對生命是多可怕的浪費!


It takes a lot of life’s experience to realize that many things that we thought were very good, turned out not to be good. When Krishna was asked, “What is the nature of truth?” he said, “What seems to be like poison is the amrita, what tastes like amrita, is the poison.” It takes a lot of life’s experience to realize this. Very few arrive at this without much pain. For most, when they arrive at it, it is too late, in the sense it anyway makes no difference anymore. So the more you hasten your experience of life, the better it is, because you realize sooner that what you actually thought was great is not so great. Has it happened to you? What you thought was really great when you were 16, or when you were 30, is not so great, actually. If you don’t let the experience happen at 30, it will happen to you at 60. That is a terrible waste of life.


一對夫妻在開車時,一如往常地產生爭執,在激動中,丈夫失控撞上中隔島翻車了,接著他們就出現在天堂門口。進門後他們發現那是一座仙境般的高爾夫球場,還空無一人。丈夫問妻子,”我們來打一輪吧,如何?”妻子回答,”好啊!” 他們倆人都開桿將球揮上果嶺,當他正準備要推桿時,他環視了眼前美麗的景觀,突然,他變得有些惱怒和沮喪。妻子問,”現在又怎麼了?” 他說,”要不是你那愚蠢的健康食物,我們早就來這裡了!”

A husband and wife were driving. There was a bit of a quarrel, as usual. In the excitement, he lost control of the car, hit the median, and the car turned over. In the next scene, they were at the gates of heaven. They walked in and found themselves on a fabulous golf course. Nobody was there. Then the husband asked the wife, “What do you think, shall we play a round?” She said, “Okay.” So both of them teed off and got to the green. He was just about to putt the ball, he looked around at the beautiful landscape and suddenly, he became a little irritated and despondent. The wife asked, “What’s the matter now?” He said, “If it was not for your stupid health food, we could have got here long ago.”




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